
twipper.batch.search_tweets(access, query, page_count=1, filter_retweets=False, verified_account=False, language=None, result_type='mixed', count=100)

This function retrieves historical tweets on batch processing. These tweets contain the specified words on the query, which can use operators such as AND or OR, as specified on Additionally some extra arguments can be specified in order to particularize the tweet search, so on to retrieve the exact content the user is looking for. API Reference:

  • access (twipper.credentials.Twipper) – object containing all the credentials needed to access api.twitter
  • query (str) – contains the query with the words to search along Twitter historic data.
  • page_count (int, optional) – specifies the amount of pages (100 tweets per page) to retrieve data from, default value is 1.
  • filter_retweets (boolean, optional) – can be either True or False, to filter out retweets or not, respectively, default value is False.
  • verified_account (boolean, optional) – can either be True or False to retrieve tweets just from verified accounts or from any account type, respectively.
  • language (str, optional) – is the language on which the tweet has been written, default value is None.
  • result_type (str, optional) – value to indicate which type of tweets want to be retrieved, it can either be mixed, popular or recent
  • count (int, optional) – number of tweets per requests to retrieve (default and max is 100).

Returns a list containing all the retrieved tweets from Twitter API, based on the search query previously specified on the function arguments.

Return type:

list - tweets


ValueError – raised if the introduced arguments do not match or errored.

twipper.batch.search_user_tweets(access, screen_name, page_count=1, filter_retweets=False, language=None, result_type='mixed', count=100)

This function retrieves historical tweets from a Twitter user by their screen_name (@), whenever they grant the application access their tweets for commercial purposes on ReadOnly permission. Retrieved tweets are stored on a list which will be returned to the user. API Reference:

  • access (twipper.credentials.Twipper) – object containing all the credentials needed to access api.twitter
  • screen_name (str) – contains the username of the user from which tweets are going to be retrieved.
  • page_count (int, optional) – specifies the amount of pages (100 tweets per page) to retrieve data from, default value is 1.
  • filter_retweets (boolean, optional) – can be either True or False, to filter out retweets or not, respectively, default value is False.
  • language (str, optional) – is the language on which the tweet has been written, default value is None.
  • result_type (str, optional) – value to indicate which type of tweets want to be retrieved, it can either be mixed, popular or recent
  • count (int, optional) – number of tweets per requests to retrieve (default and max is 100).

Returns a list containing all the retrieved tweets from Twitter, which means all the available tweets from the user specified on the arguments of the function.

Return type:

list - tweets


ValueError – raised if the introduced arguments do not match or errored.